Chronicle Method "Inheritance" - VERSAILLES Phillhrmonic Quintet World Tour 2010.
A I can hardly process it has been almost a week of the event to wait God knows how long with so much hope. Many laughed at me, thinking I was crazy, how a band is from Japan and makes a style of music was going to penalties if cum recognizable here. Yet something in my heart told me that the wait would bear frutos.En this meeting of fate that changed forever prejudicially kept some concepts for me, is a break in my life before and after PQ VERSAILLES
This is just the first installment on paper than they already told ad nauseam to some people and there is more. As the days pass and I remember the details looks really amazing .... does not erase the smile off my face.
1 - Close Encounter:
was 7 and a half in the morning when a cold and dark even Buenos Aires welcomed us. With emotion to the surface so we would have to live and we stayed there, towards the Obelisk which together with the kids of Streat OFFICIAL TEAM ARGENTINA Ezeiza we went directly to receive them. Allí conocí a Angie, una fan colombiana que venía siguiéndolos desde Chile y que luego del show en Argentina partiría a Lima a verlos también allá. Unimos nuestras banderas y sin conocernos siquiera ya algo sublime nos unía: el amor por nuestros japoneses de Versailles.
Nuestras caras llenas de emoción y ansiedad sosteniendo las banderas a un lado del pasillo de desembarque era vista con curiosidad por las personas que alli transitaban, sin saber a quiénes esperábamos con tanta alegria. Obviamente, la cabeza de todos estaba puesta en el mundial de fútbol, qué podían entendernos a nosotros; fieles seguidores de una banda extranjera que venía desde el otro lado del mundo...un lugar tan mágico as unknown to most. "Versailles? "Yes sir, Versailles, and the castle" ... My heart was beating at full ... how many times he had enjoyed his songs, humming now ... how many times I had imagined that moment. "When you see them, sure I will say this and that" ... think ten thousand things together but the truth is that barely tangible reality works against you ... it's like dreaming but awake
not react, just smile and ask yourself again and again is it true what I'm seeing ?
An hour later than planned, the flight from the neighboring Republic of Chile arrived finally arrived and after waiting a while angustiante y desesperada las puertas se abrieron y pudimos ver una cabellera gris asomarse: TERU, fue el primero en salir.
Con su mochila al hombro, ni bien nos vio esbozó una enorme sonrisa y pasó a nuestro lado inclinando su cabeza, sonriendo mucho, sorprendido ante nuestros gritos agudos. Era tal la sorpresa ante nuestros gritos que parecía ir encogiéndose a medida que avanzaba....era él, el, y no es tann bajito como se piensa...
Luego vimos a YUKI , (quien saludaba con una enorme sonrisa también) Masashi, (quien me sorprendio por su terrible altura!) y HIZAKI. A todo pulmón y con la voz más aguda que me salió grité “HIME SAMA”, a lo cual recibí a nod. He wore a mask, so you could not see his face but, anyway, his eyes narrowed and it transpired a little emotion, and finally the last, bringing to punishment KAMIJO his hand and went quickly.
For understandable reasons and request, we were not allowed to take pictures or film them, so I see out walking a few yards away, waiting to pick them pass while organized.
But not everything was rosy. Kamijo shook his head, we understood that he was displeased. I think this lead to confusion when they left the building and found a trench cameras stationed there for reasons of the World Cup in South Africa, but I think they did not know, so that means the nervousness of the leader of the band. Everything was confusing. We prefer to lower the decibels but by that time, many people passing by stared at them .... and the occasional misplaced, took a picture.
We stayed at the side with his heart in his mouth some more, crying out a name every time one of them looked at us, trying not to disturb them but obviously the excitement is overwhelming. Yuki smiled and looked at us, too Teru and Hizaki, of at times.
Once Upon transport. Soon after, they started passing a few yards away, waving politely. It was too cute and tears packed in the face of one unable to leave so much emotion. Emotion clouded perhaps by the time of tension soon superó.Nuestras faces said it all.
From there, return to the city and the guys from Team decided to leave a message in Japanese, giving them a warm welcome along with a bouquet of red roses were left on site.
Our intention was to receive them with all our heart, and make clear that despite this misunderstanding, understand our disculpas.Disculpas knew they were accepted: "to Hizaki liked our gesture, said it was very sweet," I heard. Then joy turned to me. I was sad because I felt we had upset Kamijo. Even so, I realized how difficult it is to be in their shoes and do not think I was more than I ever thought about it, is an incredible man and now that I've seen, I was greeted from a distance and know it's real, I appreciate further.
Our intention was to receive them with all our heart, and make clear that despite this misunderstanding, understand our disculpas.Disculpas knew they were accepted: "to Hizaki liked our gesture, said it was very sweet," I heard. Then joy turned to me. I was sad because I felt we had upset Kamijo. Even so, I realized how difficult it is to be in their shoes and do not think I was more than I ever thought about it, is an incredible man and now that I've seen, I was greeted from a distance and know it's real, I appreciate further.
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