Sunday, April 10, 2011

Treatment Of Post Radiotherapy Cystitis

'm Federico Calabuig, director of the blog 'The Cinematk Joe Marlango. " I am writing to you as responsible for the Mostra de Valencia to denounce what they consider a plagiarism of my blog. Yesterday, reviewing blogs belonging to the festival, I discovered that the blog are critical of the films by the festival through the whys. I am outraged and feel that my work is being plagiarized. I've been almost five years working on my blog (first and current blogger fotolog) using this form of criticism by whys. I believe that the hallmark of the blog is that style of film criticism y, de hecho, el blog ha recibido premios por parte de Johnnie Walker y cuenta con la colaboración de personajes del mundo del cine y la música que colaboran en la sección 'Los porqués de...'. 

Ya pueden imaginar cual ha sido mi sorpresa al descubrir que desde uno de los blogs del festival (al que he acudido como prensa acreditada en los cuatro últimos años, por lo que tienen constancia de la existencia de mi blog y mi estilo) está utilizando en sus entradas, bajo la autoría de Manuel Valencia, el formato que yo creé. 

Por favor, les pido un poco de seriedad and some explanation. If you like the format, just quote the blog has been followed, as did many other bloggers who have found it attractive that format or have wanted to pay tribute to 'The Joe Marlango Cinematk'

I want it is a mistake because I would not like to think my work is being plagiarized. I hope you understand my surprise and powerlessness as an injustice is being committed from the blog

Many thanks.

NOTE: From today until this issue is resolved, 'The Joe Marlango Cinematk 'XXXII will cover the Mostra de Valencia to protest this injustice. Could blog fans understand this decision and forgive us for not offering criticism of the films presented here.


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